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Bullet points:
Constructing an Information Hierarchy with Symbols from Emotional Perspectives

Information overload is a growing concern in modern times, and communication designers and architects are exploring new ways to organise information for greater reader impact and a more humanistic approach. To capture the attention of readers and improve their comprehension, writers can use bullet points to highlight crucial themes in their writing. This technique has been widely used in publication design and commercial communication to improve information processing.

However, there is a lack of data to provide guidelines for bullet point design, and incorrect bullet point styles may impact information processing and document authority. Therefore, the effects of bullet points on readers’ emotions and information processing need to be studied.

Project Aim

This study aims to examine the bullet point system, including how it helps
organise and typeset texts and the efficacy of different categories
of bullet points in interpreting information.

This study aims to examine the bullet point system, including how it helps
organise and typeset texts and the efficacy of different categories
of bullet points in interpreting information.

Research Method

  • Questionnaire 
  • Eye-motion Tracking  on the Applications of Bullet Points
    from Students’ and Ordinary People’s Perspectives 
  • Focus groups
Eye-motion Tracking  on the Applications of Bullet Points

Bullet points are an effective way to improve information processing and comprehension for readers, but their design and implementation require careful consideration to ensure their effectiveness and avoid negative impacts on document authority and emotions.

a Project Participant

Concept Model: Function of Bullet point


  • The majority of respondents are familiar with bullet point presentations, but only 55% are comfortable reading and understanding them. 
  • While most respondents believe that bullet points can be effective when used correctly, only 40% think they are visually appealing. 
  • The most important aspect of a successful bullet point presentation is to keep it simple and organised.

Expected Result

The study examined the continuing artistic trends of the 21st century to understand the potential reshaping of artistic outputs and the joy of watching creative design works. The digitisation process has enabled new opportunities for artists and creatives to reach a broader audience, and social media platforms have transformed public perceptions of products and organizations by enabling users to co-create works of value beyond the traditional constraints of creative production.


Types and Role of Bullet Points System in Reading.
HO, A. G. (forthcoming, July 2023). In: Amic G. Ho (eds) Human Factors in Communication of Design. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol ??. AHFE International, USA.

A Critical Overview of Studies on Eye Tracking and Visual Hierarchy.
HO, A. G. (forthcoming, July 2023). In: Hasan Ayaz (eds) Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol ??. AHFE International, USA.

Practical Application of Bullet Point Systems for Constructing an Information Hierarchy.
HO, A. G. (2020). In: Markopoulos E., Goonetilleke R., Ho A., Luximon Y. (eds) Advances in Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Communication of Design. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1218. Springer, Cham.

Bullet Points: Applying Emotional Symbols in Information Management.
HO, A. G. (2019). In: HO, A. (eds) Advances in Human Factors in Communication of Design. AHFE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 974. Springer, Cham. 

Funded Sources

University R&D Funding

University Research Committee, Hong Kong Metropolitan University 

Project Reference No.

01 Oct 2022 – 31 Sep 2023 (ongoing) Funded amount
HKD 180,030

Principal Investigator:
Dr HO Amic Garfield (HKMU)

Research Assistant:
​​​​​​​Ms CHAU Pui Wa (HKMU)